The Role of Women in Pharmacy: International Leadership Symposium, 1987

The Role of Women in Pharmacy: International Leadership Symposium, 1987

Editor: Mary J. Berg and Janice K. Fuller, eds.
Publisher: ICI Americas Incorporated
Year Published: 1990
Pages: 160
Price: $10.00 ($6.00 for members)

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There has been a demonstrated need to address the role of women in pharmacy, because of the increasing numbers of women in the profession. Regional and national meetings have discussed this topic during past years. Until now, there had never been an international pharmacy conference to address and discuss this subject. The idea for a conference titled “International Leadership Symposium: The Role of Women in Pharmacy” originated with Gloria Sabatini. In 1984, she formed an initial Steering Committee composed of individuals from the United Sates of America: Marianne Rollings, Chair; Mary Grear, Gloria Sabatini, Dorothy Wade, and Lawrence Weaver. With the assistance of Mark Knowles, the Steering Committee expanded to include several individuals from Europe: George Teeling Smith, Chair, from the U.K.; Elizabeth Meikle, U.K.; Denise Rambaud, France, and Berit Rosen, Sweden. The selection of the Co-Chairs for Arrangements, Finance, Program and Proceedings, and Public Relations occurred in 1985. This symposium was held in London, England, on June 21-27, 1987.

Futurists forecast that women will comprise the majority of practicing pharmacists by the year 2010. To address the implications of this dramatic change, the leadership symposium fostered an exchange of current information with a focus on future needs. Emphasis was placed on social, ethical, economic and professional trends as well as on the impact of emerging technologies. The participants-who included international pharmacy leaders as well as those aspiring to leadership within the profession-worked together in developing strategies to create a dynamic pharmacy environment for the future.

These proceedings of the symposium include presentations by internationally recognized speakers on topics ranging from the economics of health care delivery to employment in pharmacy and biomedical and situational ethics. Discussion groups including participants from 20 countries addressed the issues in open sessions. Abstracts provided practical background on pharmacy education and employment in pharmacy in countries around the world. These proceedings should be regarded as a reference for the future of the profession of pharmacy within the health care system. The consensus of the symposium participants was that further international conferences of this type should be encouraged.

Table of Contents:

1: Endorsements

2: Committees

4: Grant Support

6: Executive Summary


12: Welcome and Introduction, by Brian Wills

The Economics of Health Care Delivery

15: United Kingdom, by George Teeling Smith

18: United States of America, by Gail R. Wilensky

The Pharmacist’s Role in Health Care Delivery

23: United States of America, by Gloria N. Francke

31: France, by Jacqueline Surugue

Pharmacy in the 21st Century

43: United States of America, by Joseph A. Oddis

48: United Kingdom, by Peter Noyce

Legislative and Regulatory Environment for Pharmacy

53: United States of America, by Don M. Newman

58: The Netherlands, by Albert Bakker

Pharmacy Education

63: United States of America, by Metta Lou Henderson

69: United Kingdom, by Brian A. Hemsworth

Leadership in Pharmacy

76: United States of America, by Lucinda Maine

83: Sweden, by Cecilia Claesson

Biomedical and Situational Ethics

87: United Kingdom, by Jane Nicholson

90: United States of America, by Amy Lezberg

Employment in Pharmacy

98: United States of America, by Robert C. Johnson

103: United Kingdom, byJohn D. Wykes


Pharmacy Education

110: Australia, by Maxine E. Goodman

110: Canada, by Reta Fowler and Donald Perrier

111: Denmark, by Ellen Westh Sorensen

114: Federal Republic of Germany, by Viktoria Monch and Jochen Kotwas

115: Finland, by Eija Orpana

116: France, by Denise Rambaud

117: People’s Republic of China, by Meihua Pong, Lin Xia, and Guojie Liu

117: Sweden, by Berit Rosen

118: United Kingdom, by Janice Fuller

119: United States of America, by Heidi M. Anderson-Harper

Employment of Women in Pharmacy

120: Australia, by Maxine E. Goodman

120: Canada, by Reta Fowler and B. DesRoches

122: Denmark, by Ellen Westh Sorensen

123: Federal Republic of Germany, by Viktoria Monch and Jochen Kotwas

124: Finland, by Ulla Aittokoski

124: France, by Denise Rambaud

125: People’s Republic of China, by Meihua Pong, Lin Xia, and Guojie Liu

126: Sweden, by Berit Rosen

127: United Kingdom, by Janice Fuller

128: United States of America, by Gloria Francke

Summary of Discussion Groups

130: Pharmacy Education: Heidi M. Anderson-Harper, Susan Bartlemay, Mary J. Berg, Margaret Bickle, Joy Donelson, Janice Fuller, Christine Glover, Ellen Hansen, Eleanor Vogt, Ellen Westh Sorensen

132: Biomedical and Situational Ethics: Susan Bartlemay, Mary J. Berg, Joy Donelson, Reta Fowler, Janice K. Fuller, Gro Helgesen, Denise Rambaud, Marilyn Ramsden, Marion Rawlings, Helena Rudberg

133: Employment in Pharmacy: Susan Bartlemay, Mary J. Berg, Margaret Bickle, Angele D’Angelo, Joy Donelson, Janice Fuller, Faith Gibson, Christine Glover, Susanne Heinzl, Linda Stone

135: Leadership in Pharmacy: Susan Bartlemay, Mary J. Berg, Joy Donelson, Reta Fowler, Janice Fuller, Maxine E. Goodman, Joan Greenleaf, Marilyn Ramsden, Donna Shaw, Marilyn Slotfeldt


138: I-Program

146: II-Letters of Support

148: III-Symposium Participants

160: Acknowledgments

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