AIHP awards Certificates of Commendation to recognize activities or historical endeavors by individuals or organizations that (i) advance knowledge or understanding of the history of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals; or (ii) utilize the history of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals to address or advance understanding of contemporary issues.
Certificates of Commendation are not intended to recognize individuals for academic achievements or peer-reviewed academic publications.
Nomination Form: Please complete the Certificate of Commendation Nomination Form (.pdf) to nominate an individual or an organization for an AIHP Certificate of Commendation. The form is brief, but please be sure to provide sufficient information about the nominated project or activity to allow for proper evaluation of the nomination. Please feel free to include with this nomination form any additional documents, clippings, photographs, or other supporting information that would be helpful for evaluating the nominated project or activity.
Deadline: Completed nomination forms may be submitted an any time, but must be received before August 1 for each annual competition. Nominations received thereafter will be considered the following year.
Submissions: Please submit the completed nomination form and any supporting material by email to or by postal mail to the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 777 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705.
Access the Pharmacy in History JSTOR Archive
All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.
Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.
Read MoreUpcoming events of interest to pharmacists and historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted.):
March 21-24, 2025: APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Nashville, TN.
May 1-4, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine, Boston, MA.
May 13-16, 2025: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
June 7-11, 2025: ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
July 19-22, 2025: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
December 7-11, 2025: ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, NV.