National Association Sponsorship Program

AIHP Thanks the Current Members of the National Association Sponsorship program!

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Patron ($10,000)

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, Donor ($5,000)

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy,  Contributor ($2,500)

American Pharmacists Association,  Contributor ($2,500)

Board of Pharmacy Specialties,  Contributor ($2,500)

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, Contributor ($2,500)

The mission of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is to advance knowledge and understanding of the history of pharmacy and medicines. As an independent, member-supported 501(c)(3) organization, AIHP relies upon contributions from its members and supporters to fund its operations, including publication of a semi-annual journal, History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, maintaining an archive of historical documents and artifacts, and supporting original historical research.

AIHP’s National Association Sponsorship Program is founded on the premise that the Institute’s work to preserve and disseminate the history of pharmacy benefits the entire profession. Through ongoing annual contributions, national associations participating in the program demonstrate their tangible support for the shared goal of advancing and broadening knowledge of pharmacy’s history.

The NAS Program also seeks to build mutually supportive relationships between AIHP and the major pharmacy associations in the United States, consistent with the Institute’s role of serving the profession as a whole. The annual contributions of sponsors provide AIHP with a stable base of financial support, enabling the Institute to work closely with those sponsors to preserve their history as the leaders of the pharmacy profession.

The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy invites all pharmacy organizations to join our effort to preserve pharmacy’s heritage and to promote the historical and humanistic understanding of the pharmaceutical field by becoming a member of AIHP’s National Association Sponsorship program. For more information, email

National Association Sponsorship Levels

  • Patrons ($10,000, annually)
  • Donors ($5,000, annually)
  • Contributors ($2,500, annually)

Benefits Common to All Sponsorship Levels

  1. Recognition as a National PAssociation Sponsor:
    • In History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals
    • On AIHP’s web site (with link to the sponsor’s website).
  2. Complimentary subscription to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals and a 40% discount on other AIHP publications.
  3. Regular updates on Institute activities and services through your designated communications liaison.
  4. Submission of appropriate documents to AIHP’s archives.
  5. AIHP’s pharmaco-historical calendars available in bulk at cost.
  6. Periodic consultations, upon request, on historical topics (e.g., association archives, anniversary celebrations).

Additional Benefits for Patrons ($10,000 per year)

  1. Three complimentary one-year AIHP memberships.
  2. One full-page institutional advertisement per year in History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (content approved by AIHP).

Additional Benefits for Donors ($5,000 per year)

  1. Two complimentary one-year AIHP memberships.
  2. One half-page institutional advertisement per year in History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (content approved by AIHP).

Additional Benefits for Contributors ($2,500 per year)

  1. One complimentary one-year AIHP membership.
  2. One quarter-page institutional advertisement per year in History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (content approved by AIHP)
Actively engaged in preserving the documents of pharmacy's past and developing materials for understanding the future.

AIHP Thanks National Association Sponsors

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AIHP Wants to Document Your COVID-19 Stories and Experiences

AIHP COVID-19 ProjectThe American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is documenting and preserving pharmacy stories and experiences during the COVID-19 global pandemic for the benefit of future historians and scholars. We seek to record the effects of this public health emergency on all types of pharmacy experiences. We invite you to share your pharmacy stories, photos, videos, artifacts, and other documentation of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

You can participate in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project either (1) by immediately sharing your thoughts/experiences and/or submitting digital materials or (2) by signifying your to intention to submit materials in the future. Please comply with all applicable local or state stay-at-home orders while self-documenting.

Please click the link below to learn more about participating in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project.

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Join AIHP and Subscribe to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals

Access the Pharmacy in History JSTOR Archive
All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.

Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.

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Calendar of Events

Upcoming events of interest to pharmacists and historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted.):

March 21-24, 2025: APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Nashville, TN.
May 1-4, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine, Boston, MA.
May 13-16, 2025: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
June 7-11, 2025: ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
July 19-22, 2025: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
December 7-11, 2025: ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, NV.

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