Winners of the Edward Kremers Award

2024 – Zachary Dorner
For: Merchants of Medicines The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century

2022Paula De Vos

For: Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain

2019Alain Touwaide

For: Commentary volume on Tractuatus de Herbis.

2012 – Jeremy Greene

For: Prescribing by the Numbers: Drugs and the Definition of Disease.

2010 – Dennis Worthen

For: Pharmacy in World War Two.

2008 – John Lesch

For: The First Miracle Drugs: How the Sulfa Drugs Transformed Medicine.

2006 – Arthur Daemmrich

For: Pharmacopolitics: Drug Regulation in the United States and Germany.

2004 – Robert Buerki

For: The Search of Excellence: The First Century of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

2002 – Renate Wilson

For: Pious Traders in Medicine: A German Pharmaceutical Network in Eighteenth-Century North America

2001 – Michael Flannery

For: John Uri Lloyd: The Great American Eclectic.

1998 – Rima Apple

For: Vitamania: Vitamins in American Culture.

1995 – Gregory J. Higby

For: In Service to American Pharmacy: The Professional Life of William Procter, Jr.

1993 – Clifford M. Foust

For: Rhubarb: The Wondrous Drug.

1990 – Nydia M. King

For: A Selection of Primary Sources for the History of Pharmacy in the United States.

1989 – John Swann

For: Academic Scientists and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Cooperative Research in Twentieth-Century America.

1982 – John Scarborough

For: A series of interrelated articles on the history of material medica and toxicology in classical antiquity, especially: “Gnosticism, Drugs, and Alchemy in Late Roman Egypt” in Pharmacy in History; ‘The Drug Lore of Asclepiades of Bithynia” in Pharmacy in History; “Nicander’s Toxicology I: Snakes” in Pharmacy in History; “Nicander’s Toxicology II: Spiders, Scorpions, Insects, and Myriapods” in Pharmacy in History; and “Theophrastus on Herbals and Herbal Remedies” in Journal of Historical Biology.

1981 – Robert G. Mrtek

For: A series of articles on the history of pharmaceutical education. AIHP cited as particularly exemplary of Dr. Mrtek’s skills of writing and interpretation his publication, “Pharmaceutical Education in These United States: An International Historical Essay of the Twentieth Century” in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

1980 – John Parascandola

For: His pioneering and expert series of articles on the history of chemical pharmacology.

1979 – John M. Riddle

For: Marbode of Renne’s (1035-1123) De Lapidibus considered as a Medical Treatise, with text Commnentary and C.W. King’s Translation, Together with text and Translation of Marbode’s Minor Works on Stones.

1978 – Allen G. Debus

For: For his publications on the contributions of Paracelsus and the Paracelsians to pharmacy and drug therapy.

1976 – George A. Bender

For: Recognition of his contribution to the general history of pharmacy, his evaluation of certain areas of American pharmaceutical industry and research and for his untiring efforts in the editing of Pharmacy in History since 1965. Works of particular note are: Great Moments in Pharmacy, 2nd edition; Parke-Davis at One Hundred; and “Great Moments in 18th-Century Science,” Arizona Quarterly.

1974 – David F. Musto

For: The American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control.

1972 – William H. Helfand

For: The pharmaco-historical aspects of his series of publications related to collecting and interpreting art prints with associations in pharmacy and medicine, including; “A Pictorial Essay: Medicine and the Arts” in Brittanica Yearbook of Science and the Future; Drugs and Pharmacy in Prints: An Exhibition of Prints and Drawings; and “A Classification Method for Illustrative Pharmaceutical Material” in Pharmacy in History.

1971 – Charles O. Jackson

For: Food and Drug Legislation in the New Deal.

1970 – Jerry Stannard

For: His research into the difficult areas of the identity, importance, and use of drugs by the ancient Greeks, as exemplified by his publication on “Hippocratic Pharmacology” in Bulletin of the History of Medicine.

1969 – George Griffenhagen

For: Tools of the Apothecary.

1968 – Martin Levey

For: The Awards Committee of the Institute made special reference to his Medical Formulary of Al-Kindi and Medical Formulary of Al-Samarqandi.

1967 – Ernst W. Steib

For: Drug Adulteration: Dissection and Control in Nineteenth-Century Britain.

1966 – Sami K. Hamarneh

For: Meticulous scholarship and important revisionary interpretations concerning the history of pharmacy in Islamic culture. As exemplifying this contribution, the Committee on Awards cited “The Rise of Professional Pharmacy in Islam” published in Medical History.

1965 – David L. Cowen

For: Professor Cowen had demonstrated an impressive scholarship and rare talent for creative bibliographic research, culminating in his study, America’s Pre-Pharmacopoeial Literature. Previously he had distinguished himself through his scholarly publications dealing with the Edinburgh Dispensatories, the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, and the Boston editions of Nicholas Culpepper. Professor Cowen has also shed new light on early pharmaceutical regulation in American, on the history of pharmacy in New Jersey, and has produced significant publication on the status of pharmacy in the English navy during the 18th century.

1964  – Glenn Sonnedecker

For: Significant revision and rewriting of Kremers and Urdang’s History of Pharmacy.

1963 – Alex Berman

For:  “The Scientific Tradition in French Hospital Pharmacy,” American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy; along with a series of papers on the history of hospital formulary. The Committee also recognized the significance of the author’s historical research and publications on the medico-botanical movement in the United States.

1962 – James Harvey Young

For: Toadstool Millionaires: A Social History of Patent Medicines in American Before Federal Regulation

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AIHP Wants to Document Your COVID-19 Stories and Experiences

AIHP COVID-19 ProjectThe American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is documenting and preserving pharmacy stories and experiences during the COVID-19 global pandemic for the benefit of future historians and scholars. We seek to record the effects of this public health emergency on all types of pharmacy experiences. We invite you to share your pharmacy stories, photos, videos, artifacts, and other documentation of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

You can participate in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project either (1) by immediately sharing your thoughts/experiences and/or submitting digital materials or (2) by signifying your to intention to submit materials in the future. Please comply with all applicable local or state stay-at-home orders while self-documenting.

Please click the link below to learn more about participating in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project.

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All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.

Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.

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Calendar of Events

Upcoming events of interest to pharmacists and historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted.):

March 21-24, 2025: APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Nashville, TN.
May 1-4, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine, Boston, MA.
May 13-16, 2025: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
June 7-11, 2025: ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
July 19-22, 2025: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
December 7-11, 2025: ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, NV.

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