Pharmacy in History Editorial Team

Beginning with volume 63 in 2021, AIHP is excited to announce important changes to its journal. The title of the journal will be changing to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (HoPP), and AIHP has entered into a partnership with the University of Wisconsin Press for publishing History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals. HoPP will be published twice per year.

Please meet the History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Editorial Team.

AIHP Historical Director Lucas Richert


Lucas Richert became the Editor-in-Chief of Pharmacy in History in 2019. He also serves as AIHP’s Historical Director.

Lucas is an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy and the George Urdang Chair in the History of Pharmacy. Lucas was awarded graduate degrees from the University of Edinburgh and University of London after beginning his academic studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Prior to joining UW-Madison, he was a Lecturer and then a Chancellor’s Fellow in the University of Strathclyde’s Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare.

Read more at his official faculty page at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School Pharmacy web site.

Twitter: @LucRichert
Phone: 608-890-3676

AIHP Assistant Director Greg Bond

Senior Editor

Gregory Bond, PhD, has been the Senior Editor and Managing Editor of Pharmacy in History since 2017. Greg received his PhD in American History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and subsequently received his MLS with concentrations in Archives and in Digital Libraries from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals and edited collections and has also written articles for popular publications, including the New York Times, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Wisconsin State Journal, and the History News Network.

His current research interests include the history of African-American pharmacists and the history of African-American pharmacy education. His recent publications, include:

Phone: 608-262-5378

Pharmacy in History Contributing Editor Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

Contributing Editor

Petros Bouras-Vallianatos is Wellcome Lecturer in History of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology. He studied pharmacy, ancient, and Byzantine history, before obtaining his PhD in 2015 from King’s College London. He is a specialist in the history of medicine and pharmacology in the medieval Mediterranean, with a particular focus on Byzantium and on the cultural exchanges between the Christian and Islamic worlds. He is currently working on a five-year Wellcome funded project “Making and Consuming Drugs in the Italian and Byzantine Worlds (12th-15th c.)”.

His first monograph, Innovation in Byzantine Medicine: The Writings of John Zacharias Aktouarios (c. 1275-c. 1330) (Oxford University Press, 2020), highlights the late Byzantine innovative contributions to the fields of physiology, diagnosis, and therapeutics. His forthcoming Routledge monograph provides the editio princeps and an English translation of four significant, previously unpublished, medieval Greek recipe books dated to between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. He has also produced three edited volumes, including Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Galen, which constitutes the first reference work on this important but neglected subject.


AIHP Contributing Editor Kelly O'Donnell

Contributing Editor

Kelly O’Donnell earned her PhD from Yale’s Program in the History of Science and Medicine, where she focused on the history of modern medicine and women’s history in the U.S. Her dissertation was a biography of journalist and women’s health activist Barbara Seaman, who famously/notoriously published The Doctors’ Case Against the Pill in 1969. Kelly was awarded her BA from Sarah Lawrence College in 2009. She was a research fellow at Drexel University College of Medicine’s Legacy Center in 2018 and was recently awarded a Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine, National Library of Medicine. For more information, visit her website.


Pharmacy in History Contributing Editor Jaipreet Virdi

Contributing Editor

Jaipreet Virdi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Delaware. She received a BA from York University, a MA and PhD from the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto. From 2015 to 2017, she was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. She has received several fellowships and grants to support her work, including the Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Grant from the Medical History Library, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University and the New York Academy of Medicine Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine. In 2019 she was awarded the John C. Burnham Early Career Award from the History of Science Society Forum for the History of Human Science.

Jai’s research focuses on the history of medicine and disability history, especially pertaining to disability technologies and hearing loss. Her first book, Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History (forthcoming, University of Chicago Press, 2020) rethinks how therapeutic negotiation and the influence of pseudo-medicine shaped what it means to be a “normal” deaf citizen in American history. Jai is also co-editor of Disability and the Victorians: Attitudes, Interventions, Legacies (forthcoming, Manchester University Press, 2020). She is currently working on a co-authored book with Dr. Coreen McGuire on the history of scientific research on deafness, nutrition deficiencies, and breathlessness, titled Instruments of Precision: Women Scientists and the Politics of Disability in Interwar Britain.


Pharmacy in History Book Review Editor Amelie Bonney

Review Editor

Amelie Bonney is a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford based at the History Faculty and the Wellcome Unit for History of Medicine. Her research analyzes medical and scientific debates over the properties of hazardous colors between 1830 and 1914 in France and Britain. It compares responses to the industrial hazards of color production and use in both countries and shows how issues of occupational health and environmental pollution became a means for medical men and scientists to strengthen their reputation and assert their expertise. It further highlights how theories of waste management and technological innovation were used to legitimize the creation of hazardous industries throughout the nineteenth century and beyond.

Amelie has taught courses relating to modern Europe and British History, including tutorials on the topics of “The authority of nature: race, heredity and crime, 1800-1940” as well as “Science and society in the nineteenth century” and “General history and philosophy of science”.


Pharmacy in History Book Review Editor Hilary Ingram

Review Editor

Hilary Ingram is a Research Associate at Durham University in the School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA). She obtained a PhD in History from University College London, where her dissertation focused on the first generations of female doctors to qualify in Britain and pursue medical work overseas in Protestant missions. Prior to joining the research staff at Durham, Hilary held postdoctoral appointments at Keele University and the University of Nottingham, and she has taught courses by invitation in the history of medicine for Technische Universität Braunschweig. Working closely with Dr Anna Greenwood (Nottingham), she continues to research and publish on the international history of Boots the Chemists.


Pharmacy in History Review Editor Markus Wahl

Review Editor

Markus Wahl is a Research Fellow at the Institute for the History of Medicine, Robert Bosch Foundation, in Stuttgart, Germany. In his current project, he investigates the experiences of patients with diabetes and alcohol addiction in the socialist healthcare system of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) with the help of patient files, letters, diaries, and other biographical documents.

In 2017, Markus received his PhD from the University of Kent (UK) for the dissertation Treatments of the Past: Medical Memories and Experiences in East Germany, published by Routledge in June 2019. He has recently edited a collection of essays about novel approaches to the social-medical history of East Germany, and he has published articles or chapters on topics such as the Workhouse Dresden-Leuben after 1945 (in the Journal of Contemporary History); the use of aversion therapy for patients with alcohol addiction in a psychiatric hospital in East Germany; and the strategies used by Nazi doctors to avoid prosecution after 1945. His research interests include modern German history, social history of medicine, socialist history, memory and addiction studies, as well as studies of sexual health in the past and today.

Actively engaged in preserving the documents of pharmacy's past and developing materials for understanding the future.

AIHP Thanks National Association Sponsors

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AIHP Launches Digital Collections!

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All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.

Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.

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Calendar of Events

Upcoming events of interest to pharmacists and historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted.):

March 21-24, 2025: APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Nashville, TN.
May 1-4, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine, Boston, MA.
May 13-16, 2025: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
June 7-11, 2025: ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
July 19-22, 2025: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
December 7-11, 2025: ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, NV.

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