Pharmacy in History Editorial Board

Beginning with volume 63 in 2021, AIHP is excited to announce important changes to its journal. The title of the journal will be changing to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (HoPP), and AIHP has entered into a partnership with the University of Wisconsin Press for publishing History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals. HoPP will be published twice per year.

Please meet the History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Editorial Board.

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member He Bian

He Bian, Princeton University, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2020.

He is Assistant Professor in History and East Asian Studies at Princeton, with a research focus on topics related to medicine, society, and the dynamics of book culture in late imperial China (1500–1900). She earned her PhD in the History of Science from Harvard University in 2014. Her first book, Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China, was published by Princeton University Press in Spring 2020. Her work has appeared in Early Science and MedicineLate Imperial China, and Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, along with blog entries published through The Recipes Project. She is currently at work on a new monograph on the social history of medical recipes in China’s long eighteenth century.


Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member David Courtwright

David Courtwright, University of North Florida, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2020.

David is Presidential Professor Emeritus at UNF. He writes about drug use and policy in US and world history. His  books include Dark Paradise: A History of Opiate Addiction in America (Harvard University Press, 1982, revised 2001); Addicts Who Survived: An Oral History of Narcotic Use in America before 1965 (University of Tennessee Press, 1989, revised 2012); Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World (Harvard University Press, 2001); and The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Business (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019).

David’s drug-related articles have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Annual Review of Public Health, Addiction, BioSocieties, Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, Business History, and Drug and Alcohol Dependence. He has received fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the National Endowment for the Humanities, which in 2015 named him an inaugural recipient of its Public Scholar Award. In 2002 the College of Problems on Drug Dependence conferred its Media Award on Forces of Habit, which has become a standard history of global drug use and a widely read introduction to the field.


Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Paula De Vos

Paula DeVos, San Diego State University, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2020.

Paula is Professor of History at San Diego State University. Her scholarly work focuses on the long history of Galenic pharmacy from the ancient Mediterranean to colonial Spanish America.

She is co-editor of Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires (Stanford 2009) and has published articles on natural history and the history of early pharmacology and materia medica in venues such as Isis, History of Science, the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, and the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, among others. She is author of a forthcoming book entitled Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain (University of Pittsburgh Press, Fall 2020).

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Erika Dyck

Erika Dyck, University of Saskatchewan, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Erika is a professor in the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan. Her work focuses on twentieth century medical history, especially history of psychedelics, psychiatry, eugenics and population control. Her books include Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD from Clinic to Campus (2008); Facing Eugenics: Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice (2013); Managing Madness: Weyburn Mental Hospital and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care in Canada (2017); and she is editor of A Culture’s Catalyst: Historical Encounters with Peyote and the Native American Church in Canada (2016) and co-editor of Psychedelic Prophets: The Letters of Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond (2018). Dyck is the co-editor of the Canadian Bulletin for Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine and a member of Canada’s Royal Society, College for New Scholars and Artists.
Twitter: @erikadyckhist

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Joseph Gabriel

Joseph M. Gabriel, Florida State University, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Joseph is Associate Professor at Florida State University, where he holds joint appointments in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine and the Department of History. His scholarly work focuses on the history of pharmaceuticals, intellectual property, addiction, and related topics.

He is the author of Medical Monopoly: Intellectual Property Rights and the Origins of the Modern Pharamceutical Industry (University of Chicago Press, 2014), and co-editor of Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019).

Greg Higby

Gregory Higby, University of Wisconsin-Madison, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Greg served as AIHP’s Executive Director from 1988 through 2018, after serving as Acting Director (1986-88), Associate Director (1985-86), Assistant Director (1984-85), and Assistant to the Director (1981-84). He received his BSc in Pharmacy from the University of Michigan and PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (under Glenn Sonnedecker). Greg served as the Editor of Pharmacy in History throughout his tenure as Executive Director.

Greg’s publications include the books, In Service to American Pharmacy: The Professional Life of William Procter, Jr. (University of Alabama Press, 1992) and The Spirit of Voluntarism: The United States Pharmacopeia 1820-1995 (co-authored with Lee Anderson). He has co-edited about another dozen books for the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy including Pill Peddlers: Essays on the History of the Pharmaceutical Industry, American Pharmacy: A Collection of Historical Essays, and Drugstore Memories: American Pharmacists Recall Life Behind the Counter, 1824-1933.

Greg’s honors include the Edward Kremers Award, the Schelenz Medal, and the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumni Award. He was elected to the honorific International Academy of the History of Pharmacy in 1991.

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Laurence Monnais

Laurence Monnais, University of Montreal, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Laurence is professor of history and Director of the Center for Asian Studies (CETASE) at Université de Montréal, Canada. She is also the scientific director of the academic press Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal (PUM). Her international reputation rests on several innovative books and many articles dealing with the history of medicine in Southeast Asia, colonial medicine, global histories of health and the history of pharmaceuticals. She is the author of Médecine et colonisation. L’aventure indochinoise, 1860-1939 (CNRS Editions, 1999), Médicaments coloniaux. L’expérience vietnamienne, 1905-1940 (Les Indes Savantes, 2014), Médecine(s) et santé. Une petite histoire globale (PUM, 2016), Vaccinations. Le mythe du refus (PUM, 2019), The Colonial Life of Pharmaceuticals. Medicines and Modernity in Vietnam (Cambridge University Press, 2019) and co-editor of Southern Medicine for Southern People. Vietnamese Medicine in the Making (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), Global Movements Local Concerns. Medicine and Health in Southeast Asia (NUS Press, 2012), and Doctors Beyond Borders. The Transnational Migration of Physicians in the Twentieth Century (University of Toronto Press, 2016).

She is currently working on the history of vaccine hesitancy and has a new project dealing with a global history of measles. A former Canada Research Chair (2007-2017) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, she is also co-founder and the president of HOMSEA (History of Medicine in Southeast Asia), a pioneer association in the development of the history of health in Southeast Asia as a field of research that advocates for an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge and practice of health care since 2006.

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member John Parascandola

John Parascandola, Retired United States Public Health Service Historian, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

John received his BS degree in chemistry from Brooklyn College. He then earned an MS degree in biochemistry and a PhD (1968) in the history of science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After spending a postdoctoral year at Harvard University, John returned to Madison to join the Wisconsin faculty in history of science and history of pharmacy. From 1974-1981 he also served as Director of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. In 1983, he entered on a career of more than twenty years of Federal service, first as Chief of the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine, and then in 1992 as Public Health Service Historian, a position from which he retired in 2004. He is currently an adjunct lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Maryland, College Park.

John’s research interests have focused largely on the history of modern biomedical science, the history of pharmacology and drug therapy, and the history of public health in America. He is the author of The Development of American Pharmacology: John J. Abel and the Shaping of a Discipline (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), which received the George Urdang Medal of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy in 1994, and Sex, Sin and Science: A History of Syphilis in America (Praeger Publishing, 2008), which received the George Pendleton Prize of the Society for History in the Federal Government in 2008. His honors include the Edward Kremers Award (1980), the Sidney M. Edelstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry (2002), the Surgeon General’s Medallion (2004), and a Citation of Merit from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy (2005).

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Matthew Smith

Matthew Smith, Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare (CSHHH), University of Strathclyde, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Matt joined the University of Strathclyde and the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare (CSHHH) in 2011, after completing a PhD and post-doctoral work at the University of Exeter’s Centre for Medical History. His research and teaching have focused on three primary areas within the history of health and medicine: mental health and psychiatry; allergy and immunology; and food and nutrition. Thanks to generous funding from the Wellcome Trust, this research has contributed to one edited volume: Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century (Bloomsbury, 2018, co-edited by David Gentilcore); and three monographs: An Alternative History of Hyperactivity: Food Additives and the Feingold Diet (Rutgers University Press, 2011); Hyperactive: The Controversial History of ADHD (Reaktion, 2012); and Another Person’s Poison: A History of Food Allergy (Columbia University Press, 2015), which was reviewed in the New York Times and received honorable mention in the Association of American Publishers’ Prose Awards for 2016.

Matt is working on two projects at present. The first, funded by an AHRC Early Career Fellowship, is on the history of social psychiatry in the United States. This funding has resulted in two edited volumes: Deinstitutionalisation and After: Post-War Psychiatry in the Western World (2016) and Preventing Mental Illness: Past, Present and Future (2018), both co-edited by Despo Kritsotaki and Vicky Long, and published in the Palgrave series Matt co-edits with Catharine Coleborne: Mental Health in Historical Perspective. My second project, “Out on the Pitch: Sexuality and Mental Health in Men’s and Women’s Sport, 1970-Present” was funded by a Wellcome Trust Seed Award. I hope to develop this project into a larger project on sport on mental health.

John Swann

John Swann, Food and Drug Administration History Office, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

John has been a Historian at the US Food & Drug Administration since 1989. His research focuses on the history of drugs, biologics, and their regulation. He earned his PhD in Pharmacy and the History of Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985. He received the Edward Kremers Award in 1989 for his book, Academic Scientists and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Cooperative Research in Twentieth-Century America. John’s research has appeared in ISIS the Journal of the History of Medicine & Allied Sciences, the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and Pharmacy in History.

He is a member of the International Academy for the History of Pharmacy and is a past president of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy in History Editorial Board Member Dominique Tobbell

Dominique Tobbell, University of Minnesota, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2019.

Dominique is a medical historian whose scholarship explains the political, economic, and social relationships that developed among academic institutions, governments, and the healthcare industry in the decades after World War II, and assesses the implications of those relationships for the current healthcare system. Her first book, Pills, Power, and Policy: The Struggle for Drug Reform in Cold War America and its Consequences (University of California Press/Milbank Series on Health and the Public, 2012) describes how the American drug industry and key sectors of the medical profession came to be allies against federal reform, and details the political strategies used by that pharmaceutical-medical alliance to influence public opinion and shape legislative reform and the regulatory environment of prescription drugs after World War II.

Dominique’s second book, Health Informatics at Minnesota: The First Fifty Years (Tasora Books, 2015) details the history of health informatics at the University of Minnesota in the context of the history of the field and changes in health policy from the late 1950s through 2015. She has also published articles on the history of orphan drug development; the history of clinical pharmacy; and the history of nursing education. She is currently completing a book that examines the development of American nursing as an academic discipline in the second half of the 20th century.

AIHP Editorial Board Member Ben Urick

Ben Urick, University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has served on the Pharmacy in History Editorial Board since 2020.

Ben is an Assistant professor at the Center for Medication Optimization in the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. As a pharmacist and health services researcher, he enjoys combining an understanding of historical pharmacy practice transformations with current research on pharmacists’ impact on value-based care.

He has deep interest in the history of pharmacy practice in the twentieth century with an emphasis on practice and policy changes in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. He also teaches about the history of pharmacy and has authored or co-authored several scholarly works on pharmacy practice in the twentieth century.

His primary scholarship focuses on the impact of pharmacy services in healthcare value and on methods for reliable and valid provider profiling within value-based payment models.

Actively engaged in preserving the documents of pharmacy's past and developing materials for understanding the future.

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All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.

Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.

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Calendar of Events

Upcoming events of interest to pharmacists and historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted.):

March 21-24, 2025: APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Nashville, TN.
May 1-4, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine, Boston, MA.
May 13-16, 2025: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
June 7-11, 2025: ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
July 19-22, 2025: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
December 7-11, 2025: ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, NV.

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