The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is pleased to announce that it has awarded financial assistance to four Early Career Researchers to allow them to attend the 44th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy to be held in Washington, DC, from September 5-September 8, 2019. AIHP will provide the four awardees, Richard Del Rio, Barbara Di Gennaro, Lauren Klaffke, and Benjamin Urick, with complimentary registrations for the Congress and with three complimentary nights at the conference hotel.
Richard Del Rio, received his PhD in American History from the University of Chicago in 2018 for his dissertation, “Drug Trades and Drug Wars: The Mass Transformation of Retail Pharmacy and The Development of a Modern Illicit Narcotics Market in Chicago, 1870-1926.” Dr. Del Rio will be presenting his paper, “The Mass Production of Proprietary Medicines and the Modernization of the American Dual Market in Drugs” at the Congress.
Barbara Di Gennaro is a doctoral candidate in the History of Science and Medicine Program at the Yale University History Department. Her dissertation is provisionally titled, “The State Drug: The Politics of Theriac in Early Modern Italy.” She will present her paper, “Standardization Through Organoleptic Procedures, or, How to Recognize a Quality Compound in Seventeenth-Century” at the Congress.
Lauren Klaffke is a doctoral candidate in the Program in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine at the University of Minnesota. Her dissertation explores philanthropy and welfare capitalism within the pharmaceutical industry. She received an AIHP PhD Thesis Support Grant in 2016 to help fund her dissertation research.
Benjamin Urick is an Assistant Professor in the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy Center for Medication Optimization. Prof. Urick’s research explores methods to measure medication-related healthcare quality and the impact of pharmacy services on healthcare value. He earned his PharmD from Drake University in 2011 and his PhD in Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics from the University of Iowa in 2016. Prof. Urick will present his paper, “Capitation for Pharmacy Services: A Bold New Idea with a 40 Year History” at the Congress.
The International Congress for the History of Pharmacy is a biennial meeting of historians, pharmacists, and other researchers and health professionals from around the world interested in the history of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. This year’s Congress is co-sponsored by AIHP and the International Society for the History of Pharmacy, and is supported by a generous grant from the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP). The conference will be held in Washington, DC, at the Capital Hilton, on September 5-8, 2019.
The theme of the Congress is “The Pharmacist and Quality Medicines.” Four plenary lectures and more than 50 papers will focus on a broad range of topics related to all aspects of history of pharmacy and medicines, including the training and regulation of pharmacists and the social, scientific, technologic, and economic aspects of pharmaceuticals and the pharmaceutical industry. The conference will be of interest to scholars in the history of pharmacy and medicine and related fields. Plenary lectures will be given by noted historians William B. McAllister, Jacalyn Duffin, Michael Flannery, and Lucas Richert. Read the full conference schedule.
The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is documenting and preserving pharmacy stories and experiences during the COVID-19 global pandemic for the benefit of future historians and scholars. We seek to record the effects of this public health emergency on all types of pharmacy experiences. We invite you to share your pharmacy stories, photos, videos, artifacts, and other documentation of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
You can participate in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project either (1) by immediately sharing your thoughts/experiences and/or submitting digital materials or (2) by signifying your to intention to submit materials in the future. Please comply with all applicable local or state stay-at-home orders while self-documenting.
Please click the link below to learn more about participating in the AIHP COVID-19 Pandemic Pharmacy Historical Documentation Project.
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All past issues of Pharmacy in History have been digitized and are text-searchable at JSTOR.
Note: Academic libraries seeking subscriptions to History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals should directly contact the University of Wisconsin Press.
Read MoreUpcoming events of interest to historians of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, medicines, science, and related fields. (Event information current when posted. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, please double-check the status of all events):
May 28-31, 2024: Kremers Seminar in the History of Pharmacy webinars.
June 27-30, 2024: ADHS Biennial Conference, Buffalo, NY.
July 7-11, 2024: International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Banff, Canada.
September 4-7, 2024: 46th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy, Belgrade Serbia.
January 3-6, 2025: Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York City, NY.